In order to successfully complete a foreign language test/NMT on the history of Ukraine, you need to remember a lot of information - dates, concepts, terms, personalities, maps, monuments of architecture and fine arts. Just imagine that, according to the Program of External Independent Evaluation on the History of Ukraine 2024, the applicant must know at least:
• 227 terms and concepts;
• 175 event dates and 194 personalities to study;
• 54 personalities and about 100 map schemes for recognition;
• 94 historical and cultural monuments.
To make their study much easier, we have created cards that will become your reliable assistant, even when preparing from scratch.
For ease of study, the cards in the application are divided by subjects of external study (32 subjects) and by types (dates of events, personalities for recognition, concepts and terms and historical and cultural monuments, personalities for study and map schemes for recognition).
The cards contain all the dates of events, concepts and terms, personalities for recognition (divided into public-political and military figures and figures of culture, education and science) and historical and cultural monuments (divided into religious buildings, fortresses and palaces, other buildings , monuments and sculpture, paintings, icons, miniatures, engravings and portraits, as well as monuments of ancient history), which are included in the program of the ZNO on history. There are also cards with chart patterns and all the personalities to study. It is easy to repeat the material on them and you will definitely not miss anything!
All information corresponds to the current program.
Good luck with your studies!